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Your sighting reports:

See here for reporting information.


Basic indications:

Date written:April 22, 2002
Date received:April 22, 2002
Date published:September 23, 2007
Date of sighting:April 22, 2002
Place of sighting:France, Cahors
Original language of report:French
Reported using:e-mail
Unreleased information:Name, firstname, email address
Investigation, additional information:None
Explanation:Explained: high altitude balloon.

The report:

Subject: sighting of 04/22/02 in Cahors
Date: April 22, 2002
From: [Firstname.name]@wanadoo.fr

I have just seen this day 04.22.02 between 09:10 p.m. and 09:15 p.m. a shining object abnormally large and of roughly round form at the time of the fall of the night, sufficiently high in the sky to receive the sunlight directly. Too large to be a star or a planet or a satellite (the 1st star i.e. Venus appeared only towards 09:15 p.m.) too motionless to be an aircraft. An examination with the binocular showed the presence of two sources of rather yellow light. The direction was from the center of Cahors towards the south west. The object then moved away gradually towards 09:15 p.m. to disappear in less than 3 mn. Distance and altitude impossible for me to determine.

did you get other similar observations?

[Firstname Name]

Note: other reports and the explanation in this page (French only). See also a similar case of 1954.

To: Other sighting reports.

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This page was last updated on September 23, 2007