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Basic indications:

Date written:April 15, 2008
Date received:April 15, 2008
Date published:May 1, 2008
Date of sighting:Summer 1992, and 1999
Place of sighting:France, the Dordogne
Original language of report:French
Reported using:e-mail
Unreleased information:Name, firstname, email address, exact age
Investigation, additional information:None
Explanation:Not looked for

The report:

Subject: ufos sighting
Date: April 15, 2008
From: [Firstname] [NAME] [firstname].[name]

Hello, my name is [Name] [Firstname], I am [about 60] years old and I am retired, I live in the dordogne.I knew of your site by the intermediary of a person I learned to know little time ago, it goes without saying if I approach you, it is about the observations of UFOs I could do you know like I that it is very difficult to speak about these things under the risk of being called a prankster.I report the facts that I observed in 1992 near lalinde (dordogne)small town of 3000 inhabitants where I live.A this time I had a certification of private pilot of airplane since 1985 and I was a federal instructor on Ultralight planes thus some experience to recognize in all that flies what is rational and what isn't ,I flew alone at a height of approximately 300m compared to the ground in North-South direction the weather was really beautiful it was approximately 10 p.m. at the time when the days are longest (June or July) it was still clear enough for clear observations so I see opposite me and at the same height 2 red balls approaching in my direction from my position they were the size of a large orange they were side by side they seemed not very very distant from me and suddenly the one on the left veered to its right that is in the direcation of the east without entering a cruve that is at a straight angle followed of the second one after maybe one second what showed me that they were independent one from the other I don't need to tell you that I was very anxious in front of this thing of which I was sure that it did not come from our planets earth .I returned back to land where I had takeen off and I had to note that when turning off the engine and after taking off my helmet I did not hear any sound whereas the environment was without any external noise .Another observation appeared to me one evening a night with a big storm of which I unceasingly flashes and have saw there as in full day when the wind it is calmed a little I left to look at the flashes and I saw not very high with the lower part of the vapour cloud to the top of at home a triangular form of dark color (dark gray) without light which appeared motionless, I was very afraid and I am to return of continuation at home and I have to tell it with my épouse.Je finishes my testimony there and j"ajoute which I am a supposed and serious person and I am ready to swear on the faith of the veracity of my observations. [Name] [Firstname]. Another observation appeared to me one evening of which I do not remember the date but after the storm of 1999 there was unceasingly thunderflashes and you coud see like in full day when the wind calmed a little I went outside to look at the flashes and I saw not very high with the lower part of the vapour cloud at the top of at home a triangular form of dark color (dark gray) without light which appeared motionless,i was very afraid and I immediatly went inside to tell my wife.I end my testimony and add that I am a ballanced person and I a ready to swear on oath of the veracity of my observations.Regards [Name] [Firstname].

To: Other sighting reports.

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This page was last updated on May 1, 2008