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Your sighting reports:

See here for reporting information.


Basic indications:

Date written:March 9, 2003
Date received:March 9, 2003
Date published:January 21, 2007
Date of sighting:1960's
Place of sighting:France, Lorraine
Original language of report:French
Reported using:e-mail
Unreleased information:Name, firstname, 2 email addresses
Investigation, additional information:None
Explanation:Not looked for

The report:

Date: March 9, 2003
From: [name]

Hello, I need your help,
I have make a survey on the extraterrestrial beliefs for the courses and I collected some testimony, amon others from people working for the army...

I seek document on a UFO sighting in the 1960's (description:like a dark blimp with lights around), in Lorraine, which according to my witness[es?] has been seen by many people. The engines of the car were said to have failed and there would have been no more electricity throughout the observation (approximately 1hour). The newspapers are said to have reported that, this is why I ask you for your assistance; can you, please, help me find articles, information, on this event, not for the school but for my personal curiosity!

I count a lot on your help.

Best regards.

[Firtsname], aged 16.

You can reach me by e-mail: [prénom.nom]

Thanks in advance.

To: Other sighting reports.

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This page was last updated on January 21, 2007