See here for reporting information.
Number: | FR0261 |
Date written: | November 15, 2007 |
Date received: | November 15, 2007 |
Date published: | April 3, 2008 |
Date of sighting: | November 14, 2007 |
Place of sighting: | France? |
Original language of report: | French |
Reported using: | |
Unreleased information: | Name, firstname, email address |
Investigation, additional information: | None |
Explanation: | Not looked for |
Subject: UFO sighting Hellos Sir. First of all congratulation for this website, I regularly com by and I note with pleasure its simplicitee and the fact that it is so complete. Well it happened yesterday evening towards 10 or 10:30 p.m. I went outside to smoke a cigarette before leaving to go to bed, and I observed the sky as usually, as I am a space buf since childhood... When while loking towards the South (thank you the wind vane), I saw an objet, to me it must hav been at 2 or 3 km more in the South, and suficiently high be rather visible at the top of the horison and the trees. The object had a slightly translucent form of elipse. It made a half turn and disappeared behind my trees, I then noted a kinf of flash, 2 or 3 seconds after, which I considered a thunderflash, but without presence of cloud, and with the temperature, it could not be a summer thunderflash or a storm (clear sky). I made a small sketch attachd to show the situation. I do not know if it is my imagination, for I was alone and I cannot have witness unfortunately. But as one never knows, I share with you what I saw in all good faith. thank you to have noted all that. Friendly yours |
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