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UFOs in the daily Press:

WWII Silver Balls, Winter 1944:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper Weekly Times, Melbourne, Australia, page 3, on December 20, 1944.


Silver Balls In The Sky

LONDON - The background of von Rundstedt's offensive is a desire to gain time for the perfection of secret weapons, sucb as rocket-shells, mysterious silver balls in the sky and jet-propelled fighter planes, says the Daily Mail's special correspondent with the American forces. He adds: "It is possible that these may be perfected and produced next summer on a scale sufficient to affect the Allied operations and this, it is believed. has prompted General Eisenhower to maintain the utmost pressure, despite the worst weather Europe has experienced for 80 years.

"The appearance of a large number of jet-propelled fighters with a speed of more than 800 miles an hour, might tend to reduce the present overwhelming Allied air superiority.

"Perfection and mass production of silver balls, on the effect of which no speculation is permitted, might also prove more than a nuisance in air operations. Likewise, the use of flying bombs and rocket-shells on a greatly increased scale could undoubtedly prove a considerable annoyance to the Allied supply lines."

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