The article below was published in the daily newspaper L'Eclair, France, on January 9, 1979.
"I was particularly interested in the testimony on the UFO seen by the inhabitant of Couëts (your art. of Thursday 12/29) on Saturday December 17, writes Mrs. G. of Saint-Fiacre.
This description matches exactly what two of my children, ages 11 and 9, gave me that night of what they had just seen in the sky. They had gone to get the milk. It was around 8:30 p.m. I hadn't thought to report it although I thought it was a UFO. I believe in it with serenity, having myself seen in July 76 almost the same phenomenon on the horizon, very far, towards the west, when around 10:30 p.m. I closed my shutters. I hadn't reported it either and, two days later, I read in your newspaper that inhabitants of the Vendée coast had observed the same phenomena, same day, same time.
Finally, I think that as many testimonies as possible will facilitate research on these mysterious UFOs."