This article was published in the regional daily newspaper La Dépêche du Midi, France, on August 13, 2004.
"It was a rather round and very luminous form, with filaments around it"
Definitely, the sky of the Tarn is full with surprises. Last week (See "La Dépêche" for August 6), two young people of Arthès saw in the night from the 2nd to the 3rd of August at about 01:10 of the morning, "a luminous object surrounded by a bluish gleam and causing a very hot air blast." In Valence-d'Albi, this time, two neighbors, Nadine and Maryline, revealed in their turn that they had seen in the night of July 31 to August 1, shortly before 1 o'clock in the morning, "a strange form, rather round and very luminous, with kinds of filaments around." Are there other witnesses?