IMPOSSIBLE FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS:This piece of video clip is absolutely amazing to say the least. Recorded by Ed Walters, outside his office, in the Gulf Breeze area of Florida, USA on the 21st July 1995. The video has been analyzed by Navy physicist Dr Bruce Maccabee of the USA and he states that he believes the clip to be an authentic piece of UFO footage. The UFO is believed to have been approximately 7000 feet away from the camera when the clip was filmed and is estimated to be about 30 feet in diameter. This particular clip is only 14 seconds long played once at normal speed and then repeated in slow motion. The anomalous craft seems to perform manoeuvres that our technology today does not seem capable of (at least to my knowledge) and the unidentified craft can clearly be seen reversing its direction instantaneously, from a fast forward motion to complete reverse, disappearing from where it had originated. It should also be noted that on some better generation copies of the video, the craft clearly casts a shadow on the nearby tree line. Is it a bird, is it an insect, is it a UFO? In the slow motion part, I seem to distinguis wings flapping. Probably, this was shot without visual witness, this happens to result in such videos. |
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COLORS AND REFERENTIAL:An amazing footage recorded by landscape photographer, David Spoor in Lowestoft, Suffolk in the UK. A craft of an apparent glass-like structure can clearly be seen crossing the countryside at dusk, exhibiting a strange sequence of colored lights. Footage of this quality is very rare and the fact that there are pieces of grass etc in the foreground of the clip for comparison, only adds to the credibility of the clip. It does not seem to have an obvious trivial explanation. But a hoax cannot be excluded. |
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UFO IN THE NIGHT:UFO video from Bill Hamilton (SKY WATCH) was recorded in California USA and filmed at night time with a Night Vision camera. A UFO seems to fly by a jet at high speed, it does a severe curve and must have taken several "Gs". This particular kind of footage is quite rare as night filming proves to be a difficult and costly process for the average ufo cameraman. Unfortunately, this may be just a bird blurred by the infrared detection process. |
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MANOEUVRING UFO:Amazing piece of footage showing an anomalous pod-like object performing manoeuvres that none of our aircraft today seem to be capable of. It seems as if the object is looking to gain some kind of attention, judging by its mysterious actions. It flies into a dense group of clouds only to reverse its motion until it again becomes visible. It then repeats the whole procedure again almost as if it is playing and looking for attention from any onlookers. Luckily someone was there to capture the event on film. |
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UFO AND CROP CIRCLES:Recorded in July 1990 by Crop circle researcher Steve Alexander at a location called Milk Hill in Wiltshire UK. Steve spotted a small ball of light which seemed to be metallic and reflective, playing in a wheat field which was coincidentally, directly next to a crop circle formation. As Steve continued to film the object hovering and dipping into the field, it suddenly just took off up the field, passing a man working in a tractor in the next field. Three months later, the tractor driver (Liam Beasant) was traced and confirmed seeing the anomaly, stating that he saw it pass by him but had no idea at all as to what it was although he did state that at the time he thought it was very unusual and had seen nothing like that before. Unfortunately, the "UFO" looks just like a bird. |
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UFO AND CROP CIRCLES:From the crop circle of Oliver Castle, in England, filmed from a light airplane. Two small spherical flying objects pass over the crop circle. |
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UFO AND CROP CIRCLES:Oddly enough, later, a color version of the same filming has been made public, adding weight to the previous version, as the frame rate is much better. What certainly surfaced after the invetigation it that the video was a hoax. |
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FLYING CIGAR:A large cigar shaped object has strange moves, while a much smaller rounder and faster flying object flies around it. The clip was shot by an amateur in Salida, Colorado, the sighting had several witnesses. Some said the UFO hung on a fishing ro held by someone on the road. |
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MANOEUVRABILITY:An old film of US origin shows the performances and manoeuvrability of an unidentified flying object. Unless the footage speed has been manipulated, there is no possibility that it is a terrestrial flying craft, the performance and manoeuvrability makes it impossible. Odd, but the information is so poor... |
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UNUSUAL SHAPE:An undocumented UFO clip showing a flying object with a highly unusual shape. Unfortunately I have found no additional information yet. So, this could be many things. |
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