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Science and the UFO phenomenon:

There is a whole series of phenomena, either natural or artificial which have nothing to do with aliens, nothing to do with "the paranormal", and are not really unexplained. These phenomena are sometimes called upon rightly, or wrongly, as the cause of a UFO report, or the as cause of all UFO reports. Here is some information on these very terrestrial phenomena, including descriptions of their features. In connection with UFO reports, this enables you to check if a sighting can or cannot be explained by one of these commonplace causes.

Phenomena that are nor alien visitors neither real mysteries:

Click! Ball lightning: how and why Philip Klass was wrong when he invented that plasma follow planes.
Click! Sprites: huge red flashes of electrical origin in the upper atmosphere, discovered in 1990. Much too brief to explain most UFO reports.
Click! Lenticular clouds: nice to look at, not quite similar to other UFOs.
Click! Noctilucent clouds: nice to look at, not quite similar to other UFOs.
Click! Notched UFOs on video: a weird effect.
Click! A bird is called "Obama's UFO".
Click! The so-called "Orbs".
Click! The so-called "RODS".
Click! Those "invisible UFOs" that are only detected in infra-red: make no mistake.
Click! Are there still ufologists who call UFO what really was only some reflection? Yes.
Click! Streetlamps reflections on photographs.
Cliquez! Reflexion in camera optics called UFOs?.
Click! Pink purplish artefacts on digital images and UPDATE on the case.

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This page was last updated on July 18, 2009.