This section of the site is only intended as a recollection of such photographs and offers comments from various sources, “as is.” I appreciate every precise information item you might offer.
Careful: some of these pictures are rather disturbing, even in the cases of proven hoaxes. Please do not enter this section if you are not willing to confront disturbing or frightening pictures.
Photographs that are not hoaxed but were misinterpreted:
There are cases in which “something” was photographed in good faith, looked somehow like an extraterrestrial visitor, but after research, was correctly explained as “non-alien”.
Photographs that are admitted hoaxes:
Faked “alien” photographs have sometimes been presented as genuine, and later admitted to be hoaxes by their authors. Here are some of such photographs, whenever possible I provided the context information.
Photographs of non-aliens later presented as true alien:
There have been a number of photographs of “models” and “dummies” made up for educational purposes of exhibits, with the clear statement that they are NOT genuine pictures of real extraterrestrial beings. Astonishingly, some of these pictures had a life of their own and have been later misused, in good faith or unwillingly, and presented as authentic. Here are some of such photographs.
Photographs that are considered hoaxes but weren't admitted as such:
Some hoaxes have been acceptably “debunked” and a large panel has admitted the hoax, yet their authors still claim that the pictures are genuine. Here are a few examples.
A vast number of photographs are circulated with no indication of source or additional information. I have difficulties locating additional information and would appreciate any informative help.
Photographs with an interpretation problem:
Here are pictures that are probably not frauds but whose interpretation is the problem because the image is not clear enough and the photographer did not see anything abnormal when he took the picture.
No photograph of an alien being can be considered as a absolutely genuine. These photographs are photographs of alien beings for which there is no indication, or no indication yet, that they are hoaxed. They might be genuine extraterrestrial beings.