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URECAT - UFO Related Entities Catalog

URECAT is a formal catalog of UFO related entities sightings reports with the goal of providing quality information for accurate studies of the topic. Additional information, corrections and reviews are welcome at patrick.gross@inbox.com, please state if you wish to be credited for your contribution or not. The main page of the URECAT catalog is here.


Brief summary of the event and follow-up:

"Revista Brasileira Ovni" reportedly indicated that in Alto Da Mooca, Sao Paolo, Brazil, on July 11, 1978, at 11:00 p.m., a 44-year-old woman was watching a television program as her three sons were sleeping in their room.

Suddenly, her small dog began acting in a strange manner, running around in circles inside of the house, running from the kitchen and to the door that led out into the yard, apparently trying to get out.

Curious, the woman walked towards the door and heard a loud "mechanical" sound of unknown origin. As she opened the door, she was confronted to two short humanoids standing side by side, appearing to hover just above the ground right by the door.

Behind the humanoids, she could see an oval-shaped craft that had apparently landed in the middle of the yard on three metallic leg-like protrusions.

One of the beings approached the now paralyzed woman and made gestures as if to calm her down, while the other humanoid floated above the ground looking around as if searching for something.

The only movement that the woman was able to make was to raise her arms up to her chest. She could not utter a word.

The humanoid closest to her caressed her head, while the other floated towards the UFO. The humanoid that had been standing next to her floated to the door of the UFO and removed an aluminum container from his belt. The container illuminated the yard in a bizarre yellow "coherent" light that appeared solid. The beam of light would enlarge, then decrease in size intermittently. The beam of light was directed towards the kitchen area, the yard and into the landed UFO.

The humanoid aiming the beam of light then proceeded to take a small cylinder-shaped object from his belt; which then emitted a vaporous cloud of smoke that covered both humanoids.

She described the humanoids as about 1.25 meters in height, wearing round metallic helmets on their heads, silver in color. In the front part of the helmet, there was a blue dim lit area. Inside the helmets she noticed faces lacking irises or eyelids, and round dark eyes. Their skin appeared yellowish. They had small flat noses and lacked ears and mouths. Where the mouth should have been, there was a round metallic plate.

Their one-piece suits were light gray in color and both had belts with numerous gadgets hanging from them. Their bodies were very thin, and their heads were disproportionally large compared to the rest of their bodies. One of the humanoids was somewhat heavier and appeared to be a female; this one had a metallic disc on the chest area, about 15 cm in diameter, with a small white light in the middle. The other humanoid did not have such a disc.

The UFO was metallic and oval-shaped with several oval-shaped portholes and what appeared to be antennas on the top and a multicolored sphere of light on the top that emitted numerous flashes of light.

During the encounter, the woman perceived a total silence in the area, like a vacuum. Also during the encounter, she perceived a strong smell resembling ammonia and felt extremely cold.

Seconds later, the humanoids beckoned to the woman to come with them, and obtaining no response, they they waved at her and boarded the object.

Soon, a plume of smoke emerged from the bottom of the object and it began to ascend. Two bright yellow lights became visible, and the craft disappeared into the distance.

Before it left, the woman thought she saw another figure through an open porthole in the object.

Moments after the object had gone, the woman was able to move again. She ran terrified to notify her family, and they noticed that she was "cold and very pale."

Basic information table:

Case number: URECAT-001056
Date of event: July 11, 1978
Earliest report of event: 2007?
Delay of report: Day, 3 decades?
Witness reported via: Not known.
First alleged record by: Ufology magazine Revista Brasileira Ovni.
First certain record by: Ufology catalogue Rosales.
First alleged record type: Ufology magazine.
First certain record type: Ufology catalogue.
This file created on: February 8, 2012
This file last updated on: February 8, 2012
Country of event: Brazil
State/Department: Sao Paolo
Type of location: Devant le domicile.
Lighting conditions: Night
UFO observed: Yes
UFO arrival observed: No
UFO departure observed: Yes
UFO/Entity Relation: Certain
Witnesses numbers: 1
Witnesses ages: 44
Witnesses types: Not reported. woman, mother of 3 sons.
Photograph(s): No.
Witnesses drawing: No.
Witnesses-approved drawing: No.
Number of entities: 3
Type of entities: Humanoid
Entities height: 1.25 meters
Entities outfit type: One-piece suit, belts with numerous gadgets hanging from it, round silver helmet with blue dim lit area at the front, 1 had a metallic disc about 15 cm in diameter on the chest with a small white light in the middle.
Entities outfit color: Light gray.
Entities skin color: Yellowish.
Entities body: Very thin, 1 heavier appearing female.
Entities head: Larger than normal, no ears.
Entities eyes: Round, dark, no iris, no eyelids.
Entities mouth: Round metallic plate where mouth should have been.
Entities nose: Small, flat.
Entities feet: Not reported.
Entities arms: Not reported.
Entities fingers: Not reported.
Entities fingers number: Not reported.
Entities hair: Not reported.
Entities voice: None heard.
Entities actions: Came out of UFO, saw witness, waved that she comes with them, went back in, departure.
Entities/witness interactions: Saw witness, waved that she comes with them.
Witness(es) reactions: Observed, was paralyzed, fled, went to tell her family.
Witness(es) feelings: Frightened.
Witness(es) interpretation: Not reported.
Explanation category: Extraterrestrial visitors or invention.
Explanation certainty: High.



Albert Rosales indicates in his catalogue that in Alto Da Mooca, Sao Paolo, Brazil, on July 11, 1978, at 2300, the 44-year old witness was watching a television program as her 3 sons slept in their room. Suddenly her small dog began acting in a strange manner running around in circles inside of the house, running from the kitchen and to the door that led out into the yard, apparently trying to get out. Curious the witness walked towards the door and heard a loud "mechanical" sound of unknown origin. Suddenly as she opened the door she was confronted by two short humanoids that appeared to hover just above the ground right by the door. Both humanoids stood side by side. Behind the humanoids she could see an oval shaped craft that had apparently landed on three metallic leg-like protrusions. One of the beings approached the now paralyzed witness and made gestures as if to calm her down, while the other humanoid floated above the ground looking around as if searching for something. The only movement that the witness was able to make was to raise her arms up to her chest. She could not utter a word. The humanoid closest to her caressed her head while the other floated towards the object, which had landed in the middle of the yard. The humanoid that had been standing next to her floated to the door of the object and removed from his belt an aluminum container. The container illuminated the yard in a bizarre yellow "coherent" light that appeared solid. The beam of light would enlarge then decrease in size intermittently. The beam of light was directed towards the kitchen area, the yard and into the landed UFO. The humanoid aiming the beam of light then preceded [sic, proceeded] to take a small cylinder-shaped object from his belt said item then emitted a vaporous cloud of smoke that covered the both humanoids. Seconds later both humanoids boarded the object, before entering they beckoned to the witness to come with them. Obtaining no response they waved at her and entered the object. Soon a plume of smoke emerged from the bottom of the object and the object began to ascend. Two bright yellow lights became visible and the craft disappeared into the distance. Before it left, the witness thought she saw another figure through an open porthole in the object. Moments after the object had gone, the witness was again able to move. She ran terrified to notify her family that noticed that she was cold and very pale. She described the humanoids as about 1.25 meters in height, wearing round metallic helmets on their heads, silver in color. In the front part of the helmet there was a blue dim lit area. Inside the helmets the witness noticed faces lacking irises or eyelids, and round dark eyes. Their skin appeared yellowish. They had small flat noses and lacked ears or mouths. Where the mouth should have been there was a round metallic plate. Their one-piece suits were light gray in color and both had belts with numerous gadgets hanging from them. Their bodies were very thin, and their heads were disproportional large as compared to the rest of their bodies. One of the humanoids was somewhat heavier and appeared to be a female; this one had a metallic disc on the chest area, about 15 cm in diameter with a small white light in the middle. The other humanoid did not have such a disc. The object was metallic and oval in shape with several oval shaped portholes and what appeared to be antennas on the top and a multicolored sphere of light on the top that emitted numerous flashes of light. During the encounter, the witness perceived a total silence in the area, like a vacuum. Also during the encounter she perceived a strong smell resembling ammonia and felt extremely cold.

Albert Rosales indicates that the source is "Revista Brasileira Ovni, UFO News Brazil."


18-São Paulo –Moóca –SP -June-11-1978 - 23:40 h-paralyzed - dwarf etsThe 44-year old witness was watching atelevision program as her 3 sons slept in their room.Suddenly her small dog began acting in a strangemanner running around in circles inside of the house,running from the kitchen and to the door that led out intothe yard, apparently trying to get out. Curious the witnesswalked towards the door and heard a loud "mechanical"sound of unknown origin. Suddenly as she opened thedoor she was confronted by two short humanoids thatappeared to hover just above the ground right by thedoor. Both humanoids stood side by side. Behind thehumanoids she could see an oval shaped craft that hadapparently landed on three metallic leg-like protrusions.One of the beings approached the now paralyzedwitness and made gestures as if to calm her down, whilethe other humanoid floated above the ground lookingaround as if searching for something. The onlymovement that the witness was able to make was toraise her arms up to her chest. She could not utter aword. The humanoid closest to her caressed her head while the other floated towards the object, which hadlanded in the middle of the yard. The humanoid that hadbeen standing next to her floated to the door of the objectand removed from his belt an aluminum container. Thecontainer illuminated the yard in a bizarre yellow"coherent" light that appeared solid. The beam of lightwould enlarge then decrease in size intermittently. Thebeam of light was directed towards the kitchen area, theyard and into the landed UFO. The humanoid aiming thebeam of light then preceded to take a small cylinder-shaped object from his belt said item then emitted avaporous cloud of smoke that covered the bothhumanoids. Seconds later both humanoids boarded theobject, before entering they beckoned to the witness tocome with them. Obtaining no response they waved ather and entered the object. Soon a plume of smokeemerged from the bottom of the object and the objectbegan to ascend. Two bright yellow lights became visibleand the craft disappeared into the distance. Before it left,the witness thought she saw another figure through anopen porthole in the object. Moments after the object hadgone, the witness was again able to move. She ranterrified to notify her family that noticed that she was coldand very pale. She described the humanoids as about1.25 meters in height, wearing round metallic helmets ontheir heads, silver in color. In the front part of the helmet there was a blue dim lit area. Inside the helmets thewitness noticed faces lacking irises or eyelids, and rounddark eyes. Their skin appeared yellowish. They had smallflat noses and lacked ears or mouths. Where the mouthshould have been there was a round metallic plate. Their one-piece suits were light gray in color and both hadbelts with numerous gadgets hanging from them. Their bodies were very thin, and their heads weredisproportional large as compared to the rest of their bodies. One of the humanoids was somewhat heavier and appeared to be a female; this one had a metallic discon the chest area, about 15 cm in diameter with a smallwhite light in the middle. The other humanoid did nothave such a disc. The object was metallic and oval inshape with several oval shaped portholes and whatappeared to be antennas on the top and a multicoloredsphere of light on the top that emitted numerous flashes of light. During the encounter, the witness perceived atotal silence in the area, like a vacuum. Also during theencounter she perceived a strong smell resemblingammonia and felt extremely cold (Revista Brasileira Ufologia)

[Ref. ud1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website sas that on 11 July 1978 at 23:00 in Alto Da Mooca, Sao Paolo, Brazil, "The 44-year old witness was watching a television program as her 3 sons slept in ... A 44-year-old woman was watching television in Alto Da Mooca, Sao Paolo, Brazil as her 3 sons slept in their room. At around eleven o'clock her small dog began acting strangely by running around in circles, then running from the kitchen and to the door that led outside, apparently trying to get out. She walked towards the door and heard a loud "mechanical" sound. When she opened the door she was confronted by two short humanoids who hovered just above the ground. Both humanoids stood side by side. Behind the humanoids was an oval-shaped craft that had landed on three metallic leg. One being approached the now paralyzed witness, making gestures as if to calm her down, while the other humanoid floated around outside as if searching for something. The only movement she was able to make was to raise her arms to her chest. She could not utter a word."

"The humanoid closest to her caressed her head while the other floated towards the UFO, situated in the middle of her yard. The being standing next to her then floated to a door in the UFO and removed from his belt an aluminum container. The container illuminated the yard in a bizarre yellow "coherent" light that appeared solid. The beam of light would enlarge, then decrease in size intermittently. The beam of light was directed towards the kitchen area, the yard and into the landed UFO. The humanoid aiming the beam of light then preceded to take a small cylinder from his belt which emitted a cloud of smoke, enveloping both humanoids. A few seconds later both beings boarded the object, but before entering they beckoned for her to come with them. When they got no response they waved at her and entered the object. Soon a plume of smoke emerged from the bottom and the object began to ascend. Two bright yellow lights became visible and the craft flew off into the distance. Before it left she thought she saw another figure through a porthole in the object. "

"Moments later the witness was again able to move. She ran to notify her family who said she appeared cold and very pale. She described the humanoids as 1.25 meters in height, wearing round silver metallic helmets on their heads. In the front of the helmet was a blue dimly lit area. Their faces inside the helmets appeared yellowish, and their eyes were round and dark, and lacked irises or eyelids. They had small flat noses and seemed to lack ears or mouths. Where the mouth should have been was a round metallic plate. Their one-piece suits were light gray in color and both had belts with numerous gadgets. Their bodies were very thin, and their heads were disproportionately large. One of the humanoids was somewhat heavier and appeared to be a female; this one had a metallic disc-shaped emblem or plate on the chest, about 15 cm in diameter with a small white light in the middle. The other humanoid's uniform lacked one. The object was metallic and oval in shape with several oval-shaped portholes. It had antennae and a multicolored sphere of light on the top. During the encounter there was a total lack of sound. There was also a strong smell resembling ammonia and she felt extremely cold."

And: "The 44-year old witness was watching a television program as her 3 sons slept in their room. Suddenly her small dog began acting in a strange manner running around in circles inside of the house, running from the kitchen and to the door that led out into the yard, apparently trying to get out. Curious the witness walked towards the door and heard a loud "mechanical" sound of unknown origin. Suddenly as she opened the door she was confronted by two short humanoids that appeared to hover just above the ground right by the door. Both humanoids stood side by side. Behind the humanoids she could see an oval shaped craft that had apparently landed on three metallic leg-like protrusions. One of the beings approached the now paralyzed witness and made gestures as if to calm her down, while the other humanoid floated above the ground looking around as if searching for something. The only movement that the witness was able to make was to raise her arms up to her chest. She could not utter a word. The humanoid closest to her caressed her head while the other floated towards the object, which had landed in the middle of the yard. The humanoid that had been standing next to her floated to the door of the object and removed from his belt an aluminum container. The container illuminated the yard in a bizarre yellow "coherent" light that appeared solid. The beam of light would enlarge then decrease in size intermittently. The beam of light was directed towards the kitchen area, the yard and into the landed UFO. The humanoid aiming the beam of light then preceded to take a small cylinder-shaped object from his belt said item then emitted a vaporous cloud of smoke that covered the both humanoids. Seconds later both humanoids boarded the object, before entering they beckoned to the witness to come with them. Obtaining no response they waved at her and entered the object. Soon a plume of smoke emerged from the bottom of the object and the object began to ascend. Two bright yellow lights became visible and the craft disappeared into the distance. Before it left, the witness thought she saw another figure through an open porthole in the object. Moments after the object had gone, the witness was again able to move. She ran terrified to notify her family that noticed that she was cold and very pale. She described the humanoids as about 1.25 meters in height, wearing round metallic helmets on their heads, silver in color. In the front part of the helmet there was a blue dim lit area. Inside the helmets the witness noticed faces lacking irises or eyelids, and round dark eyes. Their skin appeared yellowish. They had small flat noses and lacked ears or mouths. Where the mouth should have been there was a round metallic plate. Their one-piece suits were light gray in color and both had belts with numerous gadgets hanging from them. Their bodies were very thin, and their heads were disproportional large as compared to the rest of their bodies. One of the humanoids was somewhat heavier and appeared to be a female; this one had a metallic disc on the chest area, about 15 cm in diameter with a small white light in the middle. The other humanoid did not have such a disc. The object was metallic and oval in shape with several oval shaped portholes and what appeared to be antennas on the top and a multicolored sphere of light on the top that emitted numerous flashes of light. During the encounter, the witness perceived a total silence in the area, like a vacuum. Also during the encounter she perceived a strong smell resembling ammonia and felt extremely cold."

The source indication is a broken link.

Points to consider:

See the List of issues.

List of issues:

Id: Topic: Severity: Date noted: Raised by: Noted by: Description: Proposal: Status:
1 Data Severe February 8, 2012 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Primary source not available and not correctly referenced. Help needed. Opened.
2 Ufology Severe February 8, 2012 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Nature and origin of report not known: rumor, letter, newspaper, investigated case...? Help needed. Opened.
3 Ufology Severe February 8, 2012 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Anonymous witness. Help needed. Opened.
4 Ufology Severe February 8, 2012 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Single witness case. - -
5 Ufology Severe February 8, 2012 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Story only, no sign of investigation. Help needed. Opened.
6 Ufology Severe February 8, 2012 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Single source, apparently. Help needed. Opened.


Extraterrestrial visitors or invention.

Sources references:

* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.

Document history:


Main Author: Patrick Gross
Contributors: None
Reviewers: None
Editor: Patrick Gross

Changes history

Version: Created/Changed By: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross February 8, 2012 Creation, [ar1], [ud1], [af1].
1.0 Patrick Gross February 8, 2012 First published.

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This page was last updated on February 8, 2012