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My UFOblog:


May 25, 2005

Model kit. Adamski figure not included.


May 25, 2005

GoogleMaps, a new Google service which posts maps originating from aerial photographs and Keyhole satellite pictures (www.keyhole.com - free demo there) starts a real craze. A guy found this fuzzy sphere, a balloon? a UFO? It was then found the fuzzy spheres appear on several images and are aligned as in a grid. Simple software markings of the aerial photograph? German debunker Walter Werner wonders whether it might be "a water drop on the lens of the satellite" and is puzzled that a water drop can be up there. Not only it can, but this seems to be an aerial photograph taken from a plane and not a satellite. Naja.

In the media

May 23, 2005

Mars Orbiter has taken a picture of Mars Odyssey. Of course a silly comment from the media was necessary, as on freeinternetpress.com :

UFO Spotted Over Mars - Kinda...
We're all familiar with blurry photographs of UFOs, but NASA have gone one better; the Mars Global Surveyor has photographed fellow satellite Mars Odyssey as it whizzed past. This is the first instance of one extraterrestrial satellite photographing another. (etc...)

And there's the picture which delights the anti-UFO buff:

Nah, this is actually precisely one blurry photographs ... With all that NASA imageing technology up there, you'd expected something more in focus eh? Must be a hoax then, ay? Here's a UFO picture:

(Scottsdale, Arizona, Joe Clower 1995)

C'mon, say it: that picture's too nice to be true, right?

PS, it's not even the first time that one of ours on Mars takes a picture of another of ours.

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