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ALSACAT is my comprehensive catalog of UFO sighting reports in Alsace, the region is the North-East of France, whether they are "explained" or "unexplained".

The ALSACAT catalog is made of case files with a case number, summary, quantitative information (date, location, number of witnesses...), classifications, all sources mentioning the case with their references, a discussion of the case in order to evaluate its causes, and a history of the changes made to the file. A general index and thematic sub-catalogs give access to these Alsatian case files.

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Case of Tour du Climont, on April 10, 2015:

Case number:



"Nyvek", 26, passionate about photography, reported on April 11, 2015, on the ufology forum Les Mystères des OVNIS, that during a hike at the Tour du Climont, at more than 900m altitude on the mountain of the same name, he had taken some pictures with his Hybrid camera, a Samsung NX3000 equipped with its 16-50mm.

When editing the photos with the "Lightroom" software, he "could see a kind of black disc in the sky in the distance", which is not present on a similar photo taken exactly 16 seconds before.

He had already had, on March 23 at 2:59 pm, in Colroy-La-Roche in Alsace, during a shooting "in bracketed mode (3 photos in a extremely fast series to achieve HDR)", a similar phenomenon : "On the 1st photo a black spot appears in the distance in the sky, and on the second, taken 2s later, there is nothing..."

As it was explained to him on the Web board, one does not count any more cases of this kind (called "BLURFO" or "suprise-photo" by the ufologists): the "witness" saw nothing at all at the time of the shooting, these are small more or less clear "things" that he finds in his photos afterwards by looking at them on a screen.

These are almost always birds or insects.

As one forum analyst put it, "We no longer count the number of times given photos for analysis showed the same anomaly." To date, July 2021, I count 18 such cases out of the 767 cases that I published in this catalog covering only Alsace.


Temporal data:

Date: April 10, 2015
Time: 06:08 p.m.
Duration: N/A
First known report date: April 11, 2015
Reporting delay: 1 day.

Geographical data:

Department: Bas-Rhin
City: Tour du Climont
Place: Outside.
Latitude: 48.344
Longitude: 7.182
Uncertainty radius: 2 km

Witnesses data:

Number of alleged witnesses: 1
Number of known witnesses: 1
Number of named witnesses: 0
Witness(es) ages: 26
Witness(es) types: Man, photography buff.

Ufology data:

Reporting channel: By the Web to the ufology board "Les Mystère des OVNIS".
Type of location: Outside in moutain.
Visibility conditions: Day.
UFO observed: No
UFO arrival observed: N/A
UFO departure observed: N/A
Entities: No
Photographs: Yes.
Sketch(s) by witness(es): No.
Sketch(es) approved by witness(es): No.
Witness(es) feelings: Puzzled.
Witnesses interpretation: ?


ALSACAT: Birds, insects.



New member
Age: 26
Number of messages: 4
Registered on: 11/04/2015
Localization: Alsace
Profession: En recherche
Hobbies: Photo

Topic: 2015: on 04/10 at 06:08 p.m. - disc-shaped Ufo - Ufos at Tour du Climont, La Salcée, Alsace - Bas-Rhin (dep.67) Sat Apr 11 2015, 06:26 p.m.

Ufo observation 2015: on 04/10 at 06:08 p.m. - disc-shaped Ufo - Tour du Climont, La Salcée, Alsace - Bas-Rhin (dep.67)

Firstname or alias: Nyvek
City: Tour du Climont, La Salcée, Alsace
Department: Bas-Rhin (dep.67)
Region: Alsace launch a call for witnesses:
Country: France
Date: 04/10/2015
Hour of start of the observation: 06:08 p.m.
Duration of the observation: 1 minute

Weather condition: Cloudy sky
Number of witnesses: 1
Type of phenomenon: disc shaped Ufo
Officially reported: No

During a walk at the Tour du Climont, located at an altitude of over 900m on the mountain of the same name, I took some pictures with my Hybrid, a Samsung NX3000 equipped of its 16-50mm.

While editing the photos with lightroom, I could see a kind of black disc in the sky in the distance, which is not present on a similar photo taken exactly 16s before.

The photos are in RAW format for those who are interested, therefore raw data output of the camera.

I should point out that on March 23 at 2:59 p.m., in Colroy-La-Roche in Alsace, during a shooting in bracketed mode (3 photos in a row extremely fast to achieve HDR), I was able to see a similar phenomenon. On the 1st photo a black spot appears in the distance in the sky, and on the second, made 2s later, there is nothing... if I can put thiese photos there too, let me know.

P.S: I darkened the photos to better identify the shape.

P.S 2: for raw pictures or those of March 23, do not hesitate to ask me.


Precise description: Black oval shape in the sky
Size of the phenomenon:
Behavior: Stationary because on photo
Trajectory: unspecified
Specific noise: No
Specific odor: No
Direction of the object according to the wind: unspecified
Presence of facilities: not specified
Similar photo: No photo
Table: saucer D8

Annexes (photos, videos, map):

Shape above the end of the airplane smoke trail

Photo taken 16s earlier, no shape in the sky [Returns a "Google" map locating Climont near Urbeis.]

Field survey requested:

Investigator in charge of the case:

Keywords: Ovni, Ufo, Ufologie, Témoignages, Alsace call for witnesses:, France, 18:08, 10,,

I certify on my honor the accuracy of the information communicated and the authenticity of the documents provided. I do not know how to identify this phenomenon, thank you in advance for your answers.

Sincerely Nyvek

Investigation coordinator
Female Age: 66
Number of messages: 4241
Registered on: 10/08/2012
Localization: BRETAGNE
Profession: Retired
Hobbies: disciver and understand

Topic: Re: 2015: on 04/10 at 06:08 p.m. - disc-shaped Ufo - Ufos at Tour du Climont, La Salcée, Alsace - Bas-Rhin (dep.67) Sam 11 Avr 2015, 15:52

Hello Nyvek

Welcome to the testimonials airlock

Personally, I see an oval shape above the junction of the blue horizon and the treetops .. below the end of the plane's cloud.

Is this it?


New member
Age: 26
Number of messages: 4
Registered on: 11/04/2015
Localization: Alsace
Profession: Searching
Hobbies: Photo

Topic: Re: 2015: on 04/10 at 06:08 p.m. - disc-shaped Ufo - Ufos at Tour du Climont, La Salcée, Alsace - Bas-Rhin (dep.67) Sam 11 Avr 2015, 16:01


Thank you for your welcome

To tell the truth, I just noticed that there are 2 shapes!

1 / The one I spotted: locate the large oblique airplane trail (up-left), located to the right of the middle of the screen: you take the highest point of this trail, and look above.

2 / The new that I just saw, and maybe the one that you saw: where there is the treetops which cut the horizon on the left side, by zooming in well we see another one, and even a smaller one just above the horizon. You have to zoom in.

I can possibly circle them now that you have the originals

Edit: [Image no longer available.]

Investigation coordinator
Female Age: 66
Number of messages: 4241
Registered on: 10/08/2012
Localization: BRETAGNE
Profession: Retired
Hobbies: discover and understand

Topic: Re: 2015: on 04/10 at 06:08 p.m. - disc-shaped Ufo - Ufos at Tour du Climont, La Salcée, Alsace - Bas-Rhin (dep.67) Sam 11 Avr 2015, 17:09

Thank you for your answer

I finally managed to distinguish the one you indicated above the trail ... but it seems different to me

there is also another similar to the one I indicated to you but even smaller very high almost above the buildings

Wacapou, our analyst will tell you how to interpret them

New member
Age: 26
Number of messages: 4
Registered on: 11/04/2015
Localization: Alsace
Profession: Searching
Hobbies: Photo

Topic: Re: 2015: on 04/10 at 06:08 p.m. - disc-shaped Ufo - Ufos at Tour du Climont, La Salcée, Alsace - Bas-Rhin (dep.67) Sam 11 Avr 2015, 17:35

Indeed Loreline, after having carefully scrutinized the photo, here is what I was able to spot: [Image qui n'est plus disponible.]

I therefore await your impressions on these stains :)

Observations Analyst
Masculin Age: 67
Number of messages: 3367
Registered on: 07/08/2012
Localization: Nantes
Profession: retraité
Hobbies: informatique

Topic: Re: 2015: on 04/10 at 06:08 p.m. - disc-shaped Ufo - Ufos at Tour du Climont, La Salcée, Alsace - Bas-Rhin (dep.67) Sam 11 Avr 2015, 20:15

Good evening Nyvek

You have noticed the anomalies while viewing / correcting your photos.

I think you are the victim of artefacts, in your case maybe objects, insects, birds...

This forum has an entire thread devoted to anomalies that appear in photos taken with a digital camera. They swarm...

Good evening.

New member
Age: 26
Number of messages: 4
Registered on: 11/04/2015
Localization: Alsace
Profession: Searching
Hobbies: Photo

Topic: Re: 2015: on 04/10 at 06:08 p.m. - disc-shaped Ufo - Ufos at Tour du Climont, La Salcée, Alsace - Bas-Rhin (dep.67) Sam 11 Avr 2015, 22:50

Good evening, I don't think it's artefacts, the sensor is totally perfect, and this is the only photo showing it like this.

As I mentioned, on the same photo taken 16s earlier there is only one spot.

So it will remain a mystery.

Observations Analyst
Male Age: 67
Number of messages: 3367
Registered on: 07/08/2012
Localization: Nantes
Profession: retired
Hobbies: informatics

Topic: Re: 2015: on 04/10 at 06:08 p.m. - disc-shaped Ufo - Ufos at Tour du Climont, La Salcée, Alsace - Bas-Rhin (dep.67) Dim 12 Avr 2015, 10:02

@Nyvek wrote:

Good evening, I don't think it's artefacts, the sensor is nickel chrome, and this is the only photo showing it like this.
As I mentioned, on the same photo taken 16s earlier there is only one task.

Your camera is not to blame.

What is, almost certainly, are objects, dust, insects, etc ... which passed in front of the lens at the time of the shooting.

Indeed, there is little chance that the same "parasitic" objects are found in the same places on two images taken 16 s apart.

On this website we no longer count the number of times the photos given for analysis presented the same anomaly.

You can get in touch (PM) with a photo / video analytics specialist like elevenaugust who might have another opinion or find a cause that I don't see.

He will certainly ask you for the original (RAW) snapshots.

Have a nice day.



The photos are no longer available for an in-depth explanation, of course, but who will daresay that this is a case of sightings of extraterrestrial craft?


Birds, insects.

Sources references:

* = Source is available to me.
? = Source I am told about but could not get so far. Help needed.

File history:


Main author: Patrick Gross
Contributors: None
Reviewers: None
Editor: Patrick Gross

Changes history:

Version: Create/changed by: Date: Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross July 14, 2021 Creation, [myo1].
1.0 Patrick Gross July 14, 2021 First published.

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This page was last updated on July 14, 2021.