At the beginning of 1940, Jacques Drabier, born in 1922, managed to enlist as a pilot in the French Air Force. He joined General de Gaulle in England, and after many adventures, he was a fighter pilot on P-47 “Thunderbolt” in the French Air Force, and fought as a fighter pilot in France, Italy, Germany in 1944-1945.
In 1993, in the International UFO Library, Magazine which gave space to the “Contactees” stories, we are told that in 1969, he revealed having had an ecnounter with a UFO that changed his life forever. While he was a fighter pilot during World War II, three “Foo-Fighters” intercepted his plane by projecting a beam of green energy that completely enveloped his plane. He believed that this beam was responsible for activating the visions he had in 1963 and on, in which he himself was commanding a spaceship. These visions had become more frequent and more “real”.
The magazine said that he was now a “contactee, ufologist and psychic artist”, and that from his vision of what aliens and spaceships look like, he produced a series of canvas paintings of these ships and of the extraterrestrials as they were “when Earth and its continents were of a different configuration.”
His drawings can be found in “The Dynamics of Cosmic Telepathy” by “Tuella” in 1983, and in the book “UFO Contact from Reticulum” Vol. II, updated by Wendelle Stevens, containing “several of his psychic drawings of the visions of various contactees.”
The magazine says that by 1967, he had appeared on television in Los Angeles with Melvin Belli and on several radio talk shows, on KFI, KIAC, and was a “guest speaker throughout the countries and in Europe.” He moved to California in 1968, took the American citizenship with a job as an aeronautical engineer, and, flying small private planes, had further encounters with UFOs in Simi Valley and the Death Valley in California.
The magazine says that he communicates with his extraterrestrial friends “from Nodia, the Constellation of the Milky Way, which is part of the Universe Federation”, that he was contacted in June 1993 by an extraterrestrial from the “Ashtar Command” who asked him to transmit an “important message from Sananda, Supreme Commander, Messenger of Destiny coming from the 'Very High'”, a message assuring that our world is on the brink of destruction, of nuclear war, that the big cities will become death camps, that we must keep “our eyes open while evil advances”, and that we must “listen to this voice of God always offering you everything you need”, and that we must come together “side by side in the Unity of Divine Purpose in the Light.”
The magazine also presents him as a “Master” of parapsychology at the “University of the Scientific Thought” in Los Angeles, a graduate of the Beaux Arts in Paris, and that he was ordained “priest” - of who knows what religion or movement. He is also said to be vice president of “M.I.N.D.”, a “North Hollywood non-profit organization dedicated to UFOs”, publishing in their “psychic journal, THE PRISM”.
Drabier told his pilot memories in his book “War Pilot Memoirs: A Mirror on 1939”, Serey/Jones publishers, USA, 2010.
On his alleged sighting during the war, one can find on the Internet an undated filmed interview in which he declared having seen three craft resembling three silver disks in the distance, with an angular size of a US dime held at arm's length.
Two of these discs literally disappeared into the blue sky, the remaining disc made a long circle, with flashes of green, blue, red, on its back, passed between the planes and the mountain, “like lightning,” zigzags, then he disappeared.
When it passed, there had been a green light in the cockpit of Drabier's plane; and he saw that the craft was 15, 20, or 25 meters in diameter. Afterwards, there was “a little ringing around” him, all his on-board instruments went crazy, and his compass turned counterclockwise.
His two wingmen, he said, had flown very high, shouting into the intercom, while “the radio no longer functioned.”
The three pilots landed on their base, and at the debriefing, they told everything that had happened. After reading their reports, the Commanding Officer wanted to send them to the doctor, believing that they they had suffered “mass hallucinations.”
But Drabier, who thought that the discs were a new secret weapon of the Germans, so effective that the Allies would lose the war, persuaded the Commanding Officer to check the interior of his plane, and the mechanics who sis so were surprised.
Drabier says the three pilots were grounded for 4 days, that on the second day “VIPs” arrived early in the morning, interrogated them separately, and told Drabier he was not crazy, but he had to sign a paper forcing him keep all this secret.
In another interview, he reports roughly the same observation, claims that it gave him a gift for predicting earthquakes, and shows this flying saucer model as depicting the one he came across:
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Date: | 1944 or 1945 |
Time: | ? |
Duration: | ? |
First known report date: | 1969 |
Reporting delay: | 25 years. |
Country: | |
State/Department: | |
City or place: | In Europe |
Number of alleged witnesses: | 3 |
Number of known witnesses: | 1 |
Number of named witnesses: | 1 |
Reporting channel: | Lectures, "Contactee" magazine. |
Visibility conditions: | ? |
UFO observed: | Yes. |
UFO arrival observed: | Yes. |
UFO departure observed: | ? |
UFO action: | |
Witnesses action: | |
Photographs: | No. |
Sketch(s) by witness(es): | No. |
Sketch(es) approved by witness(es): | Yes. |
Witness(es) feelings: | Puzzled. |
Witnesses interpretation: | ? |
Sensors: |
[X] Visual: 3.
[ ] Airborne radar: [ ] Directional ground radar: [ ] Height finder ground radar: [ ] Photo: [ ] Film/video: [ ] EM Effects: [ ] Failures: Compass and navigation instruments went crazy. [ ] Damages: |
Hynek: | ? |
Armed / unarmed: | Armed, 8 12.7 mm M2 Browning machine guns. |
Reliability 1-3: | 1 |
Strangeness 1-3: | 3 |
ACUFO: | "Contactee"-type tall tale. |
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Jacques is a contactee, ufologist, and psychic artist. From his amazing vision of what the aliens look like he produced an oil painting story of this majestic spacecraft when Earth and its continents were of a different configuration.
This painting is called “THE VALICUS I.” The spaceship, the size of a “PHOENIX,” was over 500 feet in diameter. The story of the “Old Valicus” as obtained by telepathic awareness some years ago and printed in a psychic newspaper, THE PRISM from M.I.N.D., a non-profit organization in North Hollywood dedicated to UFOs, and which Jacques Drabier was Vice-President, speaker and researcher.
Not many know of Jacques. He has not written a book nor disclosed his experiences to anyone until 1969, 25 years after his first encounter in 1944 during WWII. He was a fighter pilot in the Free French Air Force, flying a P-47 Thunderbolt, a mighty plane in those days. In the July 1993 issue of OMEGA, a psychic directory newspaper, the column “EXTRATERRESTRIAL COMMUNICATIONS” contains an article entitled UFO SHOT DOWN IN GULF WAR, wherein Jacques' encounter is quoted:
“Jacques Drabier, a famous contactee, was a French aviator during WWII, when he had a UFO encounter that forever changed his life. Three 'Foo-Fighter' or E.T. craft intercepted his plane, by projecting a green beam of energy at him that entirely enveloped the plane. He thought the beam was responsible for activating visions of him commanding a starship. The visions became more frequent and more 'real.' He thought he might be losing his mind, however he returned to active duty.”
Well, Jacques did not see any more UFOs for over 20 years. After the war he went back to Saigon, where he was born, but because of the many attempts by the Viet-Cong on his life he was forced to flee in 1950, losing his home, his business, everything. Jacques emigrated from France and Canada to America in 1959, the land of “freedom and opportunity.”
In 1963, Jacques Drabier suddenly began having strange visions. Being an artist, he made drawings and paintings of these visions. In time, his mediumship expanded in such a way that he saw these visions in three dimensional aspects, which improved his mental accuracy in reproducing them on canvas. What is amazing about these paintings, which tell a kind of story, is that several have come true some with astonishing likeness. Several of his paintings have been published in “Real,” “Fate,” “Saga,” “Omega” and “UFO Library” magazines.
Jacques' psychic drawing abilities have been instrumental to researcher and writers, and appear in “The Dynamics of Cosmic Telepathy” by Tuella, on the Frequency Barrier and in the book “UFO contact from Reticulum” Vol. II, updated by Wendell Stevens, containing several of his psychic drawings concerning his visions of various contactees. In a recently published issue of “Anniversary” magazine, his vivid paintings support the article, “Peru,” by Charles Silva.
In 1967, Jacques appeared on television in Los Angeles with Melvin Belli and on several radio talk shows, KFI, KLAC and was invited as a guest speaker nationwide and in Europe.
While in California in 1968, Jacques became a U.S. citizen. He was employed as an aircraft engineer and again had the opportunity to fly small private planes. During this time, 20 years alter his first encounters, Jacques again had UFO encounters, in Simi Valley and in Death Valley, Calif.
Jacques communicates with his people from Nodia, Milky Way Constellation, a part of the Federation of the Universe. While in France this past June, he was contacted by a member of ASHTAR COMMAND, requesting him to deliver and share this important message from SANANDA, Supreme Commander, The Messenger of Destiny from the “Utmost High”:
“Your world is on the verge of destruction; your world is on the verge of not only massive Earth changes, but also nuclear exchanges, and the large metropolises are going to become DEATH CAMPS. Keep you eyes open as evil pushes ahead. Quiet themselves that you might listen to that STILL VOICE OF GOD WITHIN YOU, FOR IT IS LIGHT OFFERING ALL THAT YOU NEED! Come together that you may work side-by-side in Unity of Godly purpose in Light. Peace unto you, I AM SANANDA and I COME IN SERVICE UNTO THE MOST HIGH, GOD OF LIGHT.”
This Youtube channel about UFOs, with the headline “Foo Fighters Are Real: French WWII Pilot Eye Witness Testimony”, published this video on August 6, 2001:
The description under the video said:
World War II French Air Force pilot Jacques Drabier describes his Foo Fighter encounters and experiences during World War II.
My transcript of the video is below. (Please note that as the speaker was born French, his English is not perfect).
... know what it is we cannot identify it looks live three silver discs far away if you take one dime at arm's length, that's about the size I can figure out. Er... then suddenly, two vanish, and I mean vanish, blue sky, vanis, and one, the tome to say 'one, two, three', make a long circle, with crashing green, blue, red, everything on the back, towards us, pass between us and the mountain, like a lightning, and went zigzag and disappeared.
When he passed I had a green light in my cockpit. The matter of a fraction of second and I remember I can see something, hard to say, 15 maybe 20, 25 diameter like a disc went under us and disappeared.
But the next things, and a little tinkling around me, you know. Okay. We were tired and then the thing actually look all my instruments they were all going crazy. My sparrow, er... Sperry compass was going counter-clockwise about that speed [showing speed with a finger] all the other instruments were going this crazy and I said... of course I had the answer today, but I sais 'holy smoke what's going on', and, when, when that took place my two wings went sky high yelling in the interphone and... 'what could... what's going on! why not I'm back and all I said was 'hey, back' then I said, no radar no nothing, navigation... er what can we do, radio wasn't functioning anymore... lucky when I think about it our magneto was still going on that's still a mystery, because what happened today I know, high, high level of magnetic field, okay.
So fortunately above the mountain I saw the base far away. Thank God so we were there and you see three setting guy going down there. We arrived and like normally we had to do our reports, on our reports we say everything like it happened and that's where the C/O [Commanding Officer] when he begin to read that he looked at us, picked up the phone and he says, 'Doc, I got to send you three guys they got mass hallucination. They're very very tired give them, er...'. And we had to go, and oh, ah, yeah, I was mad I said 'What? 20 minutes, blah blah blah...'
And I said 'God, no, it's, it's not possible what's going on, I mean, is that a secret weapon, a new secret weapon of the German?' The briefing, and the Intelligence in every briefing should, tell us. Nothing of that kind. What is this? We can't fight that! Is that the secret weapon of the German' I said 'We can't fight that, we lost the War.'
You know, going grossly with our plane at 450 miles, you know... So, finally, I took the C/O to the hangar, and I said 'Sir, you'd better tell us what's happening, you must know more than we know. What is happening? look, look look what happened inside of the plane', that was one hour after, the mechanics has to take orders and instruments out on the street plane.... and huh he went crazy, he said 'Wow, holy smoke I don't know'. 'Well if you don't know you better have better believe our story.'
We were grounded 4 days. The second day we had some VIP coming, early in the morning, we had to be put inside a room, questioned, oh, Colonel pressed his head and everything. 'Gentlemen', he says, 'you are not crazy, you are not having hallucination, you have seen the right things.' Oh my god, I said, I'm going to see something, we are going to know what's going on. Yeah, but meanwhile, the aid make us sign some paper, you know, 'You don't remember everything, you haven't seen nothing, military secret, and that's about it, otherwise... the War is finished for you'. Wow. 1945. And that was the end of it.
This Youtube channel about UFOs published another video with Jacques Drabier:
The description under the video said:
Eyewitness Lt. Col. Jacques Drabier (F.A.F.) talks about his WWII foo fighter / UFO encounter.
My transcript of the video is below. (Please note that as the speaker was born French, his English is not perfect).
[Host:] ... and I do have to mention that he has been awarded many medals but his most cherished is the French Legion Honor [sic] which is presented to him in London by President Sarkozy in France in 2010. Let me give you to this wonderful man, here he is [applause].
[Jacques Drabier:] Thank you. What can I say, I'm still alive. But I have to go back to about 62 years ago, where er... I don't know of I'm the only one, I dob't believe I'm the only one who have experienced what I did and 62 years ago when I was flying a P-47 er... Stunderbolk. This is a kind of plane at that time gloriously doing... er it was a almighty [?]. In World War II I had about 600 hours on that. Maximum speed 600 miles. And uh, one day, I got into one of... we were flying in recognition, we were three pilots, I was the leader, my right wing, the... started to move, we couldn't speak with our radio because we were over the enemy territory so... and he says - he move his arm to bring to my attention, and he did the Chinese language, you know, he says [gestures], that means look at 3 o'clock... uh, enemy bogey [enemy aircraft]. I look at and I see three silver disc. I say God you know those days we knew what it was flying, the enemy, the Allies, everything, but I never saw something like that.
And I was looking one of those three.. two vanish, completely, and one make a large circle with all kinds of different color on a trail, heading towards me, passed under me and the ground, we were about roughly 300 feet above the ground. I estimated the size of that disc like er... between 10 to 20 feet in diameter, and swish... he went.
When he passed under me I had a green light in my cockpit and all my instrument start to go crazy. My Sperry compass start to going counterclockwise at that speed and I said 'holy smoke what's going on?' and., uk.. that's a long story that I had on my book anyway, it's a long story because, um... very rapidly, it took me couples of years but I heard few voices, and I said 'what's going on?' Well [to] make a long story short, I became, er... telepathic. They were talking to me! And they say 'we are poeple like you, but from another dimension' Whooo... [audience laughter] And I begin to receive all kinds of different information, I, I put that on a journal, later on, u, I had the help of several experts to put that on a book.
But the thing is... Well, let's say, it changed my life. Because, um... as an experienced fighter pilot I was always wondering what was those silver discs that was coming time to time. We had to make reports each time we were coming back from a mission. And er... well, I was saying what I saw, you know, those discs coming after me. And my C/O came in my ears and he said 'You better stop, Drabier, I send you to the infirmary, you're not very well, you know. If you still want flying don't put those stupid things.' I said 'Sir, that's the truth'. Well you know, anyway, er... Is any question by the way? From anyone want to know a bit more about those things? Because I can assure you: those things are real.
[Question from the audience:] Yes, did other pilots see him? Did the other two pilots witness it?
[Jacques Drabier:] Oh yes, oh yes. That's right. [Showing a flying saucer model:] This is about what they look like. And they were, I think, swish.. passing under my wing. Unfortunately they were too fast and besides that we didn't have a camera under our neck to take pictures [audience laughter]. I would have liked that. Then they would have closed me for the rest of my life. But, er... It's real. I can assure you, I hope and I don't think I'm the only pilot today who has visualized in fact those so-called lights in the sky.
[Question from the audience:] What was the gist of the telepatic messages?
[Jacques Drabier:] Oh, uh, I still have, i don't have to go in trance. It looks like it's open my mind for all the time. What's the purpose? Well of course... some people say you should go to the casino you will be the winner [audience laughter]. No. They, they don't answer me all my questions. There has to be something of a great importance, like for example, uh... For a while, I think, the top of the story on that matter was uh... I don't remember the year exactly, and i went on ... Channel 3 Television because... and even today it's impossible to predict an earthquake that is going to take place in certain place with even our up to date technology, the most you can do is about 4 to 5 to 6 hours before. And I mentioned that 7 days before that it will be a terrible earthquake in Chili [Chile], Peru, and I said er... there will be.. in fact it took place and 20,000 people died. So, it spoke me. How could I say like that, find things like that, however, uh... We are not, like I say, the only one on the whole universe. And... when I become telepathic to whomever was speaking to me I always had some very good feeling. I said 'What is the key of our survival?' The answer come: 'Universal love'. Wow. He says, 'until you will make war, you will open the door for the end of your, of your humanity. But through religion, through personal beliefs, whatever you want to call it, love each other and God will save you, and your planet.
The saucer model shown by Drabier during this interview:
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The Republic P-47 “Thunderbolt” was a powerful single-seat, single-engine fighter plane used to defend the bombers of the U.S. Army Air Forces during their daytime raids over the Germany.
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Some non-ufological French newspapers, History sources, and websites, provide biographical information on Jacques Eugène Drabier (photo below), known as a former Free French Air Force pilot.
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No serious ufological publication nor any traditional media to my knowledge have ever mentioned his alleged observation or the aftermath.
In summary:
He was born in 1922 in Indochina where his father was a lawyer. He spent his youth there, then was sent to boarding school in Choisy-le-Grand in France in 1932.
In 1939, he said, he accompanied children traveling by train to Paris, and although the train carried the Red Cross insignia, the German air forces attacked it, injuring and killing many children; Drabier vowed to avenge this.
At the beginning of 1940, he was 17 and a half years old, he tried to join the French Air Force, but he was too young. He eventually managed to enter the No. 21 flying school in Meudon, and flies on Luciole. He was sent to Flight School No. 23 in Morlaix, but an evacuation to Brest was prepared there. He heard on the London radio General de Gaulle's call to continue the fight.
With 115 other French military men who took the boat at Le Rosmeur, he reached England, met General de Gaulle, and created the design of the badge which would become that of the Free French Air Force.
He trained at Odiham on Miles Magister, completed his training at Ternhill, and at the end of 1941, Colonel Pijeaud sent him as a flying instructor to Damascus in Syria where he carried out numerous missions aboard a Potez 25, then was assigned to the Ardennes group, then to the American training center at Casba Tadla near Meknes in Morocco where he flew on Curtiss P-36 and Dauntless A-24.
After training on Hurricane and Airacobra, Free France pilots were trained on the P-47 “Thunderbolt”. Drabier was assigned to Group 3/6 Roussillon and found himself in Salon-de-Provence in November 1944. He was injured in Italy, fought over Germany then to the west of France on the “Pockets of the Atlantic”, with the rank of sergeant.
He received several medals, including the Cordon du Mérite for his fights during the Battle of the Bulge.
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After the War, he married, he became a shipping agent in Marseille, then lived in Indochina, left again in 1950, emigrated to France, Canada, then to the USA in 1959, where he announced other UFO sightings, visions, telepathic messages sent to him by various extraterrestrials.
He wrote his autobiography in the book “War Pilot Memoirs: A Mirror on 1939”, Serey/Jones publishers, published in 2010.
The President of the French Republic Nicolas Sarkozy decorated him with the Legion of Honor on June 18, 2010 in London, on the 70th anniversary of the call of June 18, 1940:
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He died at 93 on June 15, 2015 in Goodyear, Arizona, USA.
Jacques Drabier is cited in the writings of a certain “Tuella”, such as “Kosmische Telepathie und ihre Dynamik”, which compiled the usual nonsense from the “Ashtar Command” mythology.
Ashtar, or Ashtar Sheran, is a 1952 invention by American contactee George Van Tassel, who claimed to receive telepathic messages from this giant Venusian, presenting himself as Commander of the Intergalactic Fleets, wanting to help earthlings.
Others have seized on this, like the New Zealander Trevor James Constable (1925 - 2016) who in his 1957 book «They Live in the Sky», and two other books later, claimed that flying saucers were an unknown species of terrestrial animals living in the sky. He claimed that the use of radar angered these organisms, which became predators, kidnapping humans from the ground and pilots with their planes, or destroying them. He cited plane crashes as proof that giant amoebae from the sky are attacking our planes.
He explained that he had learned this through his own telepathic contact with an invisible being called «Ashtar», of «Ashtar Command».
The “messages” of this “Ashtar” were a very boring hodgepodge, resembling what we find in sectarian religious dogmas, full of contradictions and total intellectual inanity and vacuity. Examples:
“Let me give you this earnest injunction. Cast out all fear, for fear is the lubricant, the food and the vehicle of the Dark Forces. Without fear you are truly impregnable, so strive for this attainment.”
“If you yourself rend the veil between yourself and the invisible worlds, then you may find waiting on the other side, forces alien to all your ideals and higher concepts. These forces will be unwilling to release you from their toils once you are in them. I therefore enjoin greatest care and caution in attempting telepathic contact with us. If you will read the earlier communications of this channel you will realize as nothing else will make you realize the type of creatures with whom you may be making contact. Some of them are highly evolved and are able to masquerade as spacemen quite effectively. Others have nothing valid to impart and use your contact with them for joking amusement or as a means of obtaining control of a physical vehicle.”
George Adamski (1891-1965) was the first person to claim having met and befriended extraterrestrial visitors in person. He claimed that in November 1952, in a desert in California, he saw a flying saucer, and met the occupant, whose name was “Orthon”, who looked exactly lke a human being and whose home planet was... Venus. Adamski immediately started to give lectures and write articles and co-authored books on the matter.
“Orthon” allegedly met Adamski several times, and held speeches about the dangers of nuclear weapons. He was urging mankind to live in peace instead of heading to a nuclear war.
Adamski claims are totally discredited. He issued a large numbers of lies, and produced hoaxed photographs of saucers.
He was supported by a small group of fans and believed by some in the public, but most ufologists gave no credence to his claims.
Soon, dozens of other people all across the world started make the same kinds of claims; they had met Venusians, the Venusians look like us but are always beautiful, they deliver messages of peace and love, the warn about nuclear weapons and other dangers that may destroy humanity unless we all start to love each other, etc. One of these “Contactees”, a tire-repairman, claimed that the Venusians were better than us at fixing the tires of their cars, another married a woman and claimed she is a Venusian, etc. “Contactees” spoke of “other dimensions”, of “energies”, they made “predictions” coming from telepathic communications with the Venusians, etc. No “Contactee” ever produced any information that would stand scrutiny.
Only few ufologists viewed all this with sympathy. Some argued that the very existence of those “Contactees” indicates that some unspecified “intelligence from another realm of reality” use these people to manipulate mankind's beliefs. But in all cases, it is easy to determine that these people just rehashed lies.
At the time of this writing, I catalogued and published 300 cases of UFO sightings reports by pilots during WWII. The Jacques Drabier affair is the only “Contactee” affair I found coming from a pilot who claimed a pilot encounter of this kind occurring during World War II. There is no such case in the dozens I know of and still have to publish.
There is no specific date, no time, no location, and no military report to date confirms the alleged incident. If Drabier wanted us to never be able to verify the reality of the incident that he would not have done otherwise.
The names of the other two pilots are unknown.
The report is obviously late, made after other UFO events of World War II became known.
In the first filmed interview here, a contradiction seems to appear. Jacques Drabier indicated that at the time when his instruments went crazy while the UFO was closest, his two wingmen “flew very high, shouting into the intercom”, but he then mentions that “the radio no longer worked.” He reports that while the UFO was the closest all its on-board instruments wbt crazy; this would have required, for example, a very powerful electromagnetic field, which would have effectively also disrupted the radio, yet he heard his wingmen screaming in the intercom.
In the second interview, the beginning of the story is strictly the same, but then there is confusing information, as if he had seen other discs; he also mentions being followed by discs. And this time, the radio was not disfunctioning: the pilots communicated by gestures to avoid being listened to by the enemy.
"Contactee"-type tall tale.
* = Source is available to me.
? = Source I am told about but could not get so far. Help needed.
Main author: | Patrick Gross |
Contributors: | None |
Reviewers: | None |
Editor: | Patrick Gross |
Version: | Create/changed by: | Date: | Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | June 26, 2024 | Creation, [iul1], [pbk1], [euo1]. |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | June 26, 2024 | First published. |