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The 1954 French flap:

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Beginning of October, 1954, Jort, Calvados:

Reference for this case: Beg-Oct-54-Jort.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


A sighting in "Ajort" - actually Jort, Calvados department, was mentioned in the regional newspapers L'Ardennais and Le Nouveau Nord Maritime for October 8, 1954.




Martians are normal men:
they pet dogs...

Limoges, 7. -- A farmer from Chaleix (Dordogne), Mr. Garreau said on honor that he had seen a "flying soup tureen" land on his property. Mr. Garreau stated that two perfectly normal men, dressed in khaki overalls, got out, shook his hand, and spoke to him in an unknown language. Mr. Garreau, amazed, did not respond. The two men petted his dog and climbed back into their craft; which flew away silently at a dizzying pace.

At the place indicated by Mr. Garreau, it was found that the grass had been trampled.

... and have fun swinging...

La Rochelle, 7. -- A mason living on the Ile de Ré, Mr. Simonetti, said he saw a luminous sphere of 12 meters in diameter approximately which oscillated at about fifty meters from the ground.

The sphere, he said, turned red, turned blue, and rose vertically very quickly.

Two other residents of the Ré Island said they had witnessed the same phenomenon.

Two Parisians on vacation in the town of Mouchamps Mr. and Mrs Laroche, claimed to have seen, at nightfall, a incandescent sphere.

... and tear off the lawn

Dijon, 7. -- Mrs. Thérèse Fourneret, 23 years old, living in Poncey-sur-l'Ignon (Côte d'Or), saw, Monday evening, a craft land in a meadow not far from her home. She said that she was frightened and had been careful not to observe this phenomenon any longer and had taken refuge with neighbors. The gendarmerie revealed very clear traces on the ground at the indicated place. Clods of earth were allegedly torn off and thrown off on a four-meter radius.

Fantastic ray

Rouen, 7. -- Mr. Landrin, a water attendant in Duclair (Seine-Inférieur) who was walking with his wife, was blinded by a beam of light. When he opened his eyes, he said, he saw a ball that disappeared a few minutes later.

Things are flying...

Finally, saucers, cigars, discs, crowns, balls, lights, luminous streaks of various colors and all other objects were seen in Saint-Etienne, in several villages of the Eure et Loir, in Heyrieux (Isère), Dieulanvallon (Côtes du Nord), Ajort (Calvados) and in Biarritz.

A denial for
some observers

The flying saucer is not (always) a weather balloon

Melun, 7. -- Mr. E. Farnier, member of the Society of Civilian Engineers of France declares to have seen, above his property in Jouy-sur-Morin, a large disc of 8 to 10 meters in diameter "rotating on the spot letting red-purple gleams escape, with a hissing sound reminding a bit of the arrival of a jet plane. The craft was about 400 meters high and hovered more than 20 minutes above me, said Mr. Farnier, so I had the opportunity to examine it carefully. The craft then disappeared in the direction of Coulommier."

Mr. Farnier specifies: "Former commissioner of the the Aero-Club of France, having served in aviation, I was not the victim of a hallucination and this machine was not a sounding balloon but a thick circular wing hovering on the spot and moving at very high speed gradually increasing its height."


The Chronicle of the Saucers

If one were to draw conclusions from the saucer appearances that have been multiplying for some time, at least one would appear with obviousness: the "Uranids" seem to ignore taylorization!

Of all the nacelles used by them that landed on Earth in the sight of various witnesses, not one is like the others. Some are mounted on crutches, others

(Continued on 5th page)

The chronicle of the 'flying saucers'

(Continued from the first page)

do not have a landing gear. Their shape varies, from the pot to the cigar, through the traditional saucer, and their diameter is never the same, ranging from 1 m 50 to 12 and 15 meters.

As for the occupants of these pods, they are often very different in appearance: covered with hair say some, tiny, very tall, similar to humaans. Enough to get lost!

Here is a new list of appearances that will once again show our readers the diversity of interstellar craft and the multiplicity of faces of their passengers.

PERIGUEUX. -- A farmer from Chaleix (Dordogne), Mr. Garreau, said on his honor, to have seen a "flying soup bowl" land on his property. Mr. Garreau stated that two perfectly normal men, dressed in khaki suits, came down, shook hands with him and spoke an unknown language. Mr. Garreau, stupefied, did not answer. The two men stroked his dog and climbed back into their craft, which flew away noiselessly at a vertiginous pace. At the place indicated by Mr. Garreau, it was found that the grass had been trampled.

LA ROCHELLE. -- A mason living on the island of Ré, Mr. Simmonetti, said he saw a luminous sphere some 12 meters in diameter that oscillated about 50 meters from the ground.

The sphere, he said, turned red, turned blue and rose very quickly vertically. Two other residents of the Island of Ré claimed to have witnessed the same phenomenon.

Two Parisians on holidays in the commune of Mouchamps, Mr. and Mrs. Laroche, have said they saw, at dusk, an incandescent sphere.

DIJON. -- Mrs. Thérèse Fourneret, 23-year-old, living in Poncey-sur-Lignon (Côte d'Or), saw, Monday evening, a craft land in a meadow not far from her home. She said that, scared, she had been careful not to observe this phenomenon any longer and had taken refuge at neighbors'. The gendarmerie revealed very clear marks on the ground at the indicated place. Clods of grass had been torn off and thrown on a radius of four meters.

ROUEN. -- Mr. Landrin, a water officer at Duclair (Seine-Inférieure), who was walking in the company of his wife, was blinded by a beam of light. When he opened his eyes, he said, he saw a ball that disappeared minutes later.

CHAUMONT. -- Mr. André Narcy, 48, roadmender in Mertrud (Haute-Marne) was going Wednesday morning to work on a motorcycle when near Voillecomte, at 7:15 a.m., when he noticed in a field at the place called "la Vieille Tuile", an orange object. As he approached, he found that he was in the presence of a craft unkown to him.

The roadmender stopped his machine, and by foot came a hundred yards from the object. It was then that he saw near it a small creature about 1m20 tall, dressed in a fur coat covered with hair.

Mr. Narcy was very frightened and lay down on the ground, then he called the individual. The latter, after turning to him, rushed into his machine that flew away vertically to get lost in the clouds.

According to Mr. Narcy, the craft was spherical in shape, about 10 meters in diameter. Under the sphere was a sort of spindle and the porthole through which the being entered the craft was just between the spindle and the body of the craft. At the departure of the latter, a kind of flame came out of the spindle while a large vaporous swirl occurred under the machine.

Mr. Narcy immediately went to work where he told his adventure to his comrades. With two of them, MM. Riel and Henry, he returned to the place where he found that the dew no longer existed on a certain surface.

The grass had a slightly milky hue and was crushed on a square about three meters apart. In addition, twelve parallel tracks resembling round footprints were spread out over a distance, suggesting that the apparatus had landed with a series of jolts.

Finally saucers, cigars, disks, crowns, balls, glows, luminous trails of various colors and all other flying objects were seen in Saint-Etienne, in several villages of Eure-et-Loir, in Heyrieux (Isère), Dieulanvollon (Côte du Nord), in Ajort (Calvados) and in Biarritz.



Totally insufficient information.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Ajort, Calvados


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
1.0 Patrick Gross October 10, 2019 First published.
1.1 Patrick Gross February 28, 2020 Addition [nnm1]. In the Summary, "newspaper L'Ardennais" changed to "newspapers L'Ardennais and Le Nouveau Nord Maritime". In the Summary, "Ajort, Calvados" changed to "'Ajort', - actually Jort, Calvados"

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This page was last updated on February 28, 2020.