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December 12, 1954, Sannat, Creuse:

Reference for this case: 12-dec-54-Sannat.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


Mr. Sauthon, from Evaux les Bains in the Creuse, was a witness of an observation he had shared with Raymond Veillith, founder of the ufology magazine Lumières Dans La Nuit.

In doing so, Mr. Sauthon also reported to Mr. Veillith:

"It seems that a person from Sannat, village at 10 kms from Evaux, returning at her home around 5:15 a.m., coming from a wedding that took place in my hotel, told the Mayor of Evaux on Sunday, December 12, 1954, at 5:15 a.m. she saw two luminous discs, one of 40 cm in diameter and another smaller, the indicated direction would be substantially the same as the other days, i.e. the West. I leave the entire responsibility to the Mayor of Evaux who reported it to me, as I have not seen this person since."

Raymond Veillith noted this in typewriting, sent a copy to Donald Keyhoe who headed the large ufology group NICAP in the United States, and his note was finally mailed to me in the 2000s by the late ufologist Richard Hall; the note is thus reproduced below in this file.





Statement by Mr. Sauthon in Evaux les Bains (Creuse)

1°) "In the night of Thursday 9 to Friday 10, December 1954, at about 10:45 P.M., while going outside in the Hotel's yard, I was first struck by a fast gleam passing in the sky and coming from the North-East and going towards the South-West. Immediately after this, a luminous ball of approximately 10 centimeters diameter resembling a large star with changing color, changing from an opaque white to a flaming red, was hovering in the sky for some 20 minutes; the latter being at an angle of 90°, and moving rather slowly towards the West. With an impression of getting closer to the ground - I repeat getting closer to the ground - for logically this phenomenon if disappearing in the distance should have decreased its surface; which was not the case. Cloudy sky [illegible] without any star, clearing at about 11:45 P.M."

2°) "In the night of Friday 10 to Saturday 11 same phenomenon; no perceptible noise; light appearing specific to the object, at a certain time a small cloud passed in front of it, but for a short duration, for it reappeared at once. Relatively clear sky, slightly cold temperature."

3°) "It appears that a person of Sannat, a village 10 kms of Evaux, returning to her home at about 05:15, coming from a wedding which had taken place in my Hotel, entrusted to the Mayor of Evaux that she saw on Sunday, December 12, 1954 at 05:15 two luminous discs one of which was of 40 centimeters and another smaller, the direction indicated would be appreciably the same one as the other days, i.e. the West. With regard to this case, I leave its whole responsibility to the Mayor for Evaux which reported it to me, not having seen this person myself there since."

Note: 1st case: 6 witnesses. 2nd case 5 witnesses
Communicated by Mr. R. Veillith "Les Pins"

P.S. Investigated by myself.

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:


December 11 or 12 [, 1954]

05:15 a.m.: Sannat (10 km SSW.Evaux-les-Bains--Creuse): 2 luminous circles different diameters



034. 12/11/1954 05:15 SANNAT

2 luminous circles, different diameters

(QUINCY "Catalogue des Observations de M.O.C. des Origines à 1956")


NOTE Sannat (10 km S-W Evaux)

11 or 12 Dec. 54 - 05:15: Two luminous circles of different diameters ("Catalogue des Observations de MOC des origines à 1956" QUINCY).

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on December 12, 1954 at 05:15 in "Sauthon Evaux", France, "An unidentified object was sighted, but with an appearance and behavior that most likely would have a conventional explanation."

The source is indicated as "Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073)."

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541212 12.12.1954 Sauthon Evaux France NL



There are, of course, several possible explanations for this meager report: planes, meteors, searchlights...

It so happens that I was able to get my hands on the real primary source, [rvt1], as a carbon copy of a note typed by Raymond Veillith, founder of Lumières Dans La Nuit magazine in February 1958. What a journey! This note, and others, was in a batch of documents received by NICAP director Donald Keyhoe in the USA. Raymond Veillith used to type his notes in several carbon copies and had sent a duplicate to NICAP. Late ufologist Richard Hall had inherited it, but nothing had been done because nobody could translate these texts. Shortly before his death, Richard Hall sent me all this, among other documents in German, Spanish, Portuguese, knowing that I could translate them. This note by Raymond Veillith thus crossed the Atlantic in the 1950s, and crossed it in the other direction four or five decades later, to be finally published here.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Sauthon, Evaux-les-Bains, Creuse, light, luminous, disc, discs, two, anonymous, woman


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross December 14, 2003 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross December 26, 2008 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version.
1.1 Patrick Gross February 28, 2010 Addition [uda1].
1.2 Patrick Gross November 2, 2016 Addition [ubk1].
1.3 Patrick Gross November 28, 2016 Additions [ioi1], [ldl1]. Explanations changed, were: "Not looked for yet. Airplanes, meteors..." Addition of the Summary.
1.4 Patrick Gross December 2, 2021 Addition [gqy1].

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This page was last updated on December 2, 2021.